Subject: Thank you e-mail and other details related to the webinar on the opportunities of circular economy, June 24

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Dear Sir / Dear Madam,

Thank you for attending the webinar on ”The Opportunities of circular economy for SMEs in the Black Sea region”, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, together with the Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment "Ernest Lupan", and in partnership with the European Commission Representation in Romania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federation of Associations for Energy Utility Companies, Enel Romania and Marsh Romania.

If you would like to thoroughly analyze the presentations held by the representatives of the following entities: Sandbag - Smarter Climate Policy,European Investment Bank, IRCEM institute and Marsh Romania, please access this link.

In case you missed the webinar, you can watch it by accessing the links below:

Last but not least, because we want to improve the services we offer, we kindly ask you to fill in this short questionnaire:

CCIR recunoaște importanța datelor dumneavoastră personale și se angajează să protejeze confidențialitatea și securitatea acestora. De aceea, este important pentru noi să vă furnizăm într-o manieră integrată informațiile legate de prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastră cu caracter personal, în cuprinsul Termenilor și Condițiilor.
Bd. Octavian Goga nr.2, 030982, Bucharest, Romania
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